Category Archives: Religion

Thou shalt Not Kill 

Dear Pope Francis:

Recently you had noted to not be too rigid, where I considered the ten commandments. Today I drove my motorcycle to a small town where 65 years ago as a child, I remember one of my beautiful aunts working at a pharmacy soda fountain. She died of a coat hanger abortion later when she was 27. It was before the US had Roe vs Wade. 

Although easy to lose, I see that life is impossible for we humans to actually create. I would want to call this the “Gift of Divinity” or for short that which is God in us. I consider it a life force that is eternal and beyond our means of measure. 

I have wondered if a woman could naturally get over the actual trauma of an abortion even if it is in saving her life. Therefore i do not fully appreciate how even in approving of abortion, how the actual trauma remains in a woman for the rest of her life, similar perhaps to a scar, or something that can really hurt.. Of course I am only speculating.

What I am not speculating on is that during Pregnancy life is considered to exist after 23 weeks, and before that what means of preparation  is in nature’s wisdom, and not ours – and at which point that Gift of Divinity glows as Life. 

I ask you sir to consider in current events in the United States, the extremes of pro-life and pro-choice positions and how they have intentionally been turned up by the US Supreme Court draft Leak of how they choose to dismiss our human rights, starting with a woman’s right to choose. This is all in the name of destroying our Democratically Elected Republic. 

Thou shalt not kill has an interesting wisdom to it, when considering how many coat hanger abortions there can be due to obscene and harsh laws on vulnerable woman and female adolescents and children in a fascist state – 


Orion Karl Daley